How one realtor leveraged her business contacts, clientele and guts to thrive in an economic downturn.
Obsidian Quill
What Will Amazon’s Ring Think of Next?
Recently Ring has been on a roll. Just take a stroll down most any block in an urban neighborhood and you see over half the homes on the block with a doorbell camera or some type of camera to monitor the outside of the home. Blame it on the package thieves but it’s true, and Amazon’s Ring division has been capitalizing on crime by helping consumers take a bite out of it… or at least get the crooks on camera. What could they possibly think of next? Well, just keep on reading..
Troubleshooting Netflix Buffering Issues: Is it Netflix Problem or your WiFi/LAN Problem?
Are you experiencing the frustrating ‘Netflix spinning wheel of death’? It’s likely not Netflix’s servers, but your WiFi that’s causing the issue. Learn more here. #NetflixDown #WiFiProblems
Consumers Resource accepts crypto currency
Bitcoin Accepted Here VOIP Service Provider Accepting Bitcoin Consumers Resource Inc now accepts Bitcoin as payment for VoIP products & services including residential & business telephone service, telephone conferencing and video conferencing services! Customize your phone service for the way you live and work today!
“Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a harder battle.” ― Plato
“Be Kind.. for everyone you meet is fighting a harder battle”
Independence Day Office Phone System Offer
Local Businesses Score Big with Independence Day Offer As seen on Consumers Resource, Inc.‘s most recent post on (Google My Business) It’s now easier than ever before for local businesses (medium and small mom & pop shops) to essentially employ the functionality of larger businesses...
Nation: AT&T and Other Providers Cell & Internet Outage
Monday 6/19/2017 NATION — “An internet outage affecting Spectrum cable and other providers across the majority of the city and surrounding areas is frustrating local residents and businesses. The outage began shortly after noon on Monday. It appears to affect AT&T, Spectrum and Verizon providers;...
How We Help Your Local Community | Giving Back
A Quick Little Explainer about Us.. Who What & Why of CRI.. So, exactly what is it that we do here at Consumers Resource? Well, we’re a technology company specializing in Voice Over IP technology. That’s the science of getting your phone calls delivered from...
Business owner and avid WCKG listener Dave Hucker dropped in…
Business owner and avid WCKG listener Dave Hucker dropped in to show his support for the radio station last week. He’s promising something great for other listeners and business owners who support keeping Alex Jones on the air in #Chicago. “The station is growing which...
Happy Friday! Like to listen while you work? Well, now…
Happy Friday! Like to listen while you work? Well, now you can! We like listening to a Chicago favorite: WCKG. Download the app to your android office phone and listen to Alex Jones or one of their other programs. Has a neat alarm feature so...